2018-04-01 - MCRRC Spin in the Woods 4M XC

^z 23rd April 2023 at 7:51am

~4.0 miles @ ~9.5 min/mi

"I want the Easter Bunny!" says a tiny girl, disappointed at seeing only a skinny Santa impersonator. MCRRC's "Spin in the Woods" 4 mile cross-country race is a double loop on hilly horse trails, with plenty of rocks and roots and road-apples to leap as well as opportunities for friendly trash talk.

"Move aside! Lead runners coming through!" Don announces as he passes near mile 2.

"What? You're doing an extra lap to show off?"

"Ha!" replies Don. "And did you run 20 yesterday, Mark?"

"No, 28. But I'm sick today, so you may have a chance."

When Monika Bachmann announces, "Photographer ahead!" somebody tries to comb out his beard to look pretty for the camera. No joy! Official result 37:53, 10 seconds behind Don and 7 behind Monika, for 2nd of 6 in the age/gender bracket.

(trackfile) - ^z - 2018-04-26